Client Reviews......
We were referred to Crystal Goals through our daughters school. Best thing that ever happened. Our child started making progress, the self harming and suicidal ideation stopped and we started evolving as a family. We continue to face challenges but things are not as difficult, we continue to use all the strategies we learnt. I am forever grateful for the love, care and compassion this service offers. MS
After years of therapy we approached Charnj for couple therapy, we felt something was seriously missing. Charnj was very caring - but very real. We had six sessions individually and together as a couple. I learnt so much about myself and my partner, I can truly say that these sessions made a difference and 'made us'. Ray/Kirsty.
I learnt more from Charnj in an hour's Consultation than any other form of training. Professional AK.
Fantastic - Social Worker working with AM.
Our school was desperate to provide further support, the right support for a post adoptive student. We wanted to care for, educate and keep this student in school and although we had made some progress, our progress had stalled and we were at risk of our student withdrawing hope and engagement. However, the insights provided by Charanjit were incredible. Her insights into the actions, language and intentions we were signalling were so powerful that we have asked her to come back and train our whole staff. Her insights, perceptive, powerful and underpinned by the love and care she clearly has for young people, mean that we are so much further forward that we hoped and we are ready to start the next bit of the journey full of hope and knowledge that will have real impact for our young person, Warm Regards, YM -Headteacher
We are a Residential Childrens Home in South Wales, we consult with Crystal Goals regularly to ensure we are providing the best service for our children. Charnj focuses on our well being, skills, abilities, practice in such a way that it is very invigorating, uplifting and powerful. Kate M and Team.
In silence, Charnj picked up on my pain. She helped me in all areas of my life. At the time I would not go out, scared to meet people and struggled with my anxiety. I feel like I am now living and not just existing. A statement she made very early on in our sessions. I feel like I have grown and have a purpose. Mani.
Charnj was very caring and understanding, had a wealth of knowledge. I have a better understanding of my son. DM.
A very humble practictioner - As a parent I had to accept I was also responsible for 'change'. The changes were small but extremely helpful. This transformed my relationship with my children. Thank you so much for being patient with me and my family. Clare S
For the past three years, myself and my team have had the privilege of receiving clinical supervision from Crystal Goals, and the experience has been nothing short of transformative. The quality of the practitioner is exceptional, highly skilled, empathetic, and deeply knowledgeable. Charnj’s approach is both professional and personable, creating a safe and supportive environment where growth feels natural and encouraged. Through Charnj’s guidance, as a team we have not only developed our clinical practice but also grown significantly as individuals. Charnj’s ability to foster reflective practice has helped us refine our skills, build confidence, and navigate challenges with clarity and purpose. Beyond professional development, Charnj has supported us in addressing personal growth areas, helping us achieve a better balance and alignment between our work and personal lives. The consistent support, tailored insights, and unwavering encouragement we have received from Charnj has truly been instrumental in shaping us into a stronger, more cohesive team. We cannot recommend Crystal Goals services highly enough for anyone seeking clinical supervision that genuinely drives meaningful growth and development. ZM (Team Manager).
At school no one got me, I was seen as 'trouble'. My parents made me go and see Charnj. She was pretty cool. She carried out an assessment on me, looking at things from my point of view, for the first time someone really listened and understood me. She did some questionnaires with me which helped me understand why I behave the way I do. Although the thought of going to see a Psychologist was scarey, she was actually really nice and fun. She also helped my mum and dad and worked with the school and later college to support me. I enjoy seeing Charnj, its like talking to a friend sometimes.What I like th e most is that I can be myself and say it like it is, she is very understanding. Matt.
I have worked with Charnj for over 4 years, she never fails to amaze me with her expertise and knowledge. Definately my go to person. Jackie.
Charnj was fun to work with, always listens and never judged. I felt like I was talking to a friend, not a conventional therapist. HG, Lawyer.
As an agency, we continue to refer our clients to Crystal Goals. Charnj is very kind, caring and very professional. She is highly experienced in working with people with psychological disorders, with trauma and attachment and with learning difficulties. ADHD and Sensory Needs.
I am a 43 year old female, always felt very alone and different. Over the last 12 years I have been given diagnosis after diagnosis, some of which I really challenge. I was referred to Crystal Goals via my psychiatrist. For the first time I felt someone really got me, understood me but really helped me. Like properly. Charnj helped me look at why I behave the way I do and how my behaviour impacts me and others. This was definately a life changing experience and done in such a delicate and empathic way. I still tend to call and have regular follow ups. The staff always make me feel special and have time and space. Thank you Dan, Charnj.
Crystal Goals is the service that we were referred to via our Solictor for support. Charnj carried out the assessment is a timely fashion and supported me and the professionals around me, especially my Probation Officer, with the recommendations and suggested the appropriate intervention. This is an exceptionally good service. When I broke my leg, she even adapted the service so I still got a service. James.
As parents we can sometimes feel like we are to blame. Charnj was very kind and considerate towards us as parents, enabling us to look at the real picture. AL parents.
During an assessment Charnj picked up on the symptoms when no one else did, she referred us to a ADHD specialist. So sufficent. Andrew.
Very caring and considerate towards parents.
Our family was referred to Crystal Goals for Lifestory Work, we were allocated Charnj Gill. She was a blessing and a true gem. Everything she did came with true compassionate and empathy. What we thought was going to be difficult she made easy. The delivery and care was outstanding throughout. Five stars from us. Jerrard Family.
I was referred to Charnj via Surrey Post Adoption Service. I loved working with her, she was so kind and caring but also helped me understand why I behave the way I do. I was such an impulsive and an angry person when I met her, I am much calmer and more able to manage my thoughts and feelings. Jacob M.
A service with outstanding results. Buckingham County Council.
Very professional and humble. Definately come back if I need help. Lydia.
Always very accomodating and willing to support others. Surrey Police.
Charnj is my supervisor, she has a wealth of experience. I am always amazed at how much I learn in our time together. Kiesha.
Following a recent car accident I lost my confidence and experienced high levels of anxiety, low mood and severe panic attaks. My GP suggested anti-depressants which I was not keen on. He informed me of talking therapies offered by Crystal Goals, I reluctantly made contact via Teams and met Charnj. She was so real, genuine and down to earth. She just got me, we worked on my confidence, low mood and I somehow started seeing things differently. The treatment with Crystal Goals was outstanding. I drove my car for the first time last week, I will never take anything for granted. Forever blessed. Thankyou Charnj. Philip.
I managed to get an online reading with Charnj - So real and down to earth. Her delivery is beautiful. Will be back for more.
Two days training with the best Consultant ever. Thank you Charnj - truly specular and very inspiring. Mr Hamack.
Not sure if therapy is meant to be enjoyable, but I look forwards to it. Neil.
Recieved Holistic Services from this company. Really insightful and great. Better than life coaching. Rachel.
Charnj was recommended to me by a friend. I met her via Teams for Wellbeing Coaching. Wow, she instantly got me, I really didn't have to say much. I am looking forwards to working with her and making the necessary changes.
I felt positive and uplifted after our initial chat and consultation. In treatment I just excelled. Mike.
Fulfilled my fitness and nutritional goals with Charnj - Fantastic Coach.
Charnj taught me to live in the present moment, deal with the 'here and now'. I have worked through past trauma, anxiety and depression. Amanda.
For years I was supervised by Charnj, very unique and humble. TTA, Psychotherapist.
Charnj was my therapist. She has an amazing personality. Even my parents got on with her. L
I met Charnj with my mum, I was so scared to speak to her, but she was so kind and caring. She has helped support my school and made me realise that the staff at school are there to help me. AJ
I was referred to Charnj by my Probation worker. Not a normal therapist, she was kind, caring and actually fun to work with. She helped me work around my addiction and even helped me get a job, which I am still holding down. I now see her out of choice. KJ
Recieved Wellbeing Coaching - Loved it. Very inspirational. SS
I am forever grateful to have worked with Charnj, even at the worst times, she checked in on me. This is a quality service.
Great value to our service. YOT.
I would like to thank Charnj, as therapy has been very difficult but very rewarding. Thank you for always believeing in me, even when others did not. Katie.
Do not underestimate her abilities, she is a super duper practitioner. Kylie.
When I started working with Charnj I was very angry and always very upset. At the time my mum forced me to attend. I went from one therapist to the next, as I was considered to be the PROBLEM. At the time of starting with Charnj, I felt like I had no voice, my mum was controlling and blaming me for everything, she constantly put me down. I have to say at the time I hated her. The thing is that I have learning difficulties which can impair my thought process. When I started treatment I had stopped caring about everything, I had given up, if i be honest I did not want to live. I felt trapped. During sessions, Charnj made me comfortable, she made me laugh, joke and helped me understand that it was ok not to be ok and not everything had to be perfect, she made me get comfortable with the uncomfortable. I realised having learning difficulties did not have to stop me doing things, but I realised I needed support with organisation, she taught me how to manage my time and helped me look at my behaviour. She helped me understand how my early childhood trauma impacted on my behaviour, she helped me make links from past to present and helped me manage my low mood, anxiety and confidence. At times, I wished for my mum to have worked with Charnj but she refused, this could have saved and helped re-build our relationship. The fact is that my mum did not like Charnj as Charnj made sure that I felt safe in the sessions. She listened to me and acknowledged my difficulties and heard my voice, somewhere along the line, I started to invest in the sessions and started to see the real me. I started opening up and being more and more honest. I have to admit in these sessions I found my voice and my confidence. My mum is not satisfied and has decided to move me to another therapist. Charnj reached out to support my mum so many times, but she felt I was the problem. Even though things didnt work out, I wanted to thank Charnj, because she made me feel comfortable and feel like a real person, she was very caring and supportive and actually got to know the real me. Charnj remained polite, supportive and professional throughout my treatment, she even made learning enjoyable and fun. Even though my mum wants me to change therapist, I want Charnj to know that I learnt alot, I learnt that my mum is not a bad person, she just finds it difficult managing my disabilities. I am sad to be leaving you Charnj but happy to say I found my voice. Just so you know, Charnj, I got help writing this from my college lecturer who also beieves in me. I promise I will continue to use everything that I learnt and exercise regularly, our challenge remains, maybe we will meet again someday, from the Real Me.
Even when my mum was overbaring and controlling Charnj did not give up on me or my sessions. For that I am forever grateful. JA
As a family we went through some incredibly dark times, Charnj helped us understand, manage and process it. Just like my children, I also had to do some work on me. Somewhere along the line, I realised my own vulnerabilities and need to control was actually damaging my family. With true compassion Charnj helped me work through this, I feel like a reformed me. I love the fact that I can now speak to and bond with my partner and children. I no longer look for affirmation or validation, I can be me. Estelle H.
I have found this intervention so helpful. Peter.
Charnj Gill has been a remarkable asset to us and especially our son. She has provided pragmatic insight and advice to us as adoptive parents of a child with a very complex profile and behaviours. Our son has NEVER been able to engage to with any support or therapy other than a brief dalliance with OT and play therapy when he was pre-10. Both of those interventions were brief and not continued as he was not able to engage. With patience and short relaxed sessions, initially that he really didn’t want to attend, she has built a trusted rapport with our son. She is always child led and yet deliberate and has uniquely helped him be able to begin to access his feelings / wants and to open up to her as a trusted adult. After a few sessions over many, many months we are now in a place where he will go to appointments without complaint and have honest and open conversations. This is a critical lifeline that is so desperately needed and that we didn’t believe we could ever attain. So a big thank you and huge acknowledgement is due to Charnj. KA.
I approached Crystal Goals for support with my Autistic son, and I am truly overwhelmed by the care and guidance I received. From the very first interaction, I felt heard and reassured as a parent. Charnj showed a deep understanding of my son and the unique challenges we were facing, especially regarding his educational provision. She not only provided invaluable advice and practical support to navigate these difficulties but also offered me much-needed reassurance as a parent. Her ability to see past my sons’ challenges and recognise his lovely qualities and strengths meant the world to me. It was refreshing and heartwarming to feel my son was truly seen and valued for who he is. Thank you, Charnj, for your compassion, support, and guidance. Your encouragement has given me so much hope and confidence as I continue to advocate for my son. I cannot express how much your help has meant to me and my family. FT (parent)