Understanding Your Needs Through Assessment
Comprehensive evaluations tailored to you.
Assessments are a key step in understanding your unique needs and challenges. By taking the time to explore various aspects of your wellbeing, a thorough assessment provides a clear picture of your current situation. This process is not just about identifying areas of concern, but also recognising strengths and opportunities for growth. With this knowledge, I can work with you to create a personalised plan that supports your journey towards achieving your goals and enhancing your quality of life.
The aims and objectives of an Assessment is to provide a clear and accurate understanding of the clients cognitive, emotional and behavioural needs. It involves using a systematic process of gathering analysing and interpreting information to understand a subject, situation or individual. Depending on the assessment, it is used to evaluate behaviours, progress, identify needs, diagnose issues and used to make informed decisions,.
Charnj Gill
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